Friday, March 28, 2008


Everyone need to be keeping up with the tasks as per the course blog.
Plus by the Monday team meeting everyone should have made progress on these things (refer to more detailed email coverage also):
  • 5th Member catchup and inclusion.
  • UT3 Editor Tutorials.
  • Progressive blogging on collaboration, Topics and Fabrication.
  • Clear submission blog entries (but other entries will be taken into account).
  • Blog enty covering he splitting up of the Fabrication task as well as group makeup and roles.
  • Building your 'room' in UT3
  • Planning and experimenting with 3ds Max construction of the model.
  • Extensive interaction and collaboration of the group - this is not an individual process.
  • No computer/resources/time excuses - find a way to work around these as a team.
  • Blog on the Dam Theater project choice.

Plus lets choose a different background colour for our group on Monday - this black with white writing is killing me :-)

Fabrication Scheme and Topics

The chosen unbuilt scheme for the Fabrication by the group is The Dam Theater by Bednar, Cooley and Huber. This should come together to create a great experience for the 'player' and is a striking conceptual idea with quite disparate styles and feelings to capture.
Peter Bednar's site has a nice array of imagery on the project to fire up the imagination.


Breaking down a Fabrication of this type will require a suite of tools. Check out this other set of UT3 tutorials by Waylon Brinck to get going on that front, plus we have 3ds Max and all the apps in the Creative Suite Master Collection in labs 1 and 2.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

The Vast Unbuiltness

Architects and their firms generate a wide range of designs, many you may never see. Some create conceptual schemes that arent intended to be built, but rather to develop thinking around a particular set of Architectural thoughts. Many larger designs come about from competitions where multiple practices would present ideas at various levels of refinement before one is chosen. There are all those projects that are abandoned before construction has even begun or that are still torturously still a possibility so many years later. Then there are the countless zillions of design concepts for schemes inside each practice that are discarded for alternatives, whether because of quality, cost, whim or some other factor.

What this means is that there is a veritable wealth of Unbuilt Architecture out there - far more than is built I would think and lots of it is quite inspired and worthy of virtual rendition. For the project - dont be held back by a limitation in the detail on any scheme. Armed with a sketch or two or a plan even you can build your own interpretation of the place without any requirement for detailed drawings and imagery. Imagine trying to generate a model of our Opera House inspired by some of Utzon's prelim sketches...

So apart from the collections of, or awards for Unbuilt Architecture - you could target a famous Architect and see if you can find some of their ubuilt work (there will definitely be some/lots). Plus if you chose an Architect that inspires you - then you are already part of the way to 'important'. If we web isnt being your friend - then dive into some Architecture Journals and behold the 'vast unbuiltness'

Friday, March 14, 2008

Blogs, Links and Architecture

We now have all of the team linked up here and I expect everyone to be out there looking for Architecture that inspires them with respect to the project. The sooner you can post up some of your ideas on the blogs, the sooner you can get feedback from me and the rest of the team. You should all have at least one posted up before Monday.

Check the Course Blog for the requirements of this first task.

Links: in the next day or so it would be good to add a links section to your blog page (go through the customise link at the top and add the page element). This will let you add the links to your team mates and to the course blog and data (much like on this page).

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Welcome Team A

As soon as you have created your blog - let me know either as a comment here, via email or just pop in even. Then I will link us all together. (I am not sure I can stand this black-with-white-text template for long though)

Remember in thinking about and investigating options for your unbuilt architecture, look for the evocative schemes - ones with passion and focus. This will help guide the creative portions of the Fabrication as you fill in all the gaps.

My regular blog has plenty of examples of how to add links, images, video and even proper references in places. So blog away!