Sunday, April 27, 2008


This is the week for presentation 2 for Team A, this time guided by INTENT.
Bringing together the work on the Fabrication and the collaboration theory is what it is all about. Remember the changes to the requirements (on the course blog) - and I am still expecting an update from each team member each day into the Dam Hub.


Saturday, April 19, 2008

Progress and Templates

Ok team, dont forget that now everyone needs to post into BaseCamp each day with how they are progressing with the tasks. There are plenty of ToDos in there for the fabrication and the ongoing work on your blog topics gearing up for INTENT in a week or so.
I have added a long series of tests that need to be done, remember that anyone can do a test, the knowledge gained in doing so will inform the whole project team including those people assigned specific areas. If one person tests how to import sound, trigger sounds and deal with volumes and sound locations, then that can be used to work in the real sounds when the time comes.


Stay focused, if anyone is having trouble, talk to your team and to me. Most of you are keeping up and contributing, keep at it. Dont forget, now each team member needs to post into the Hub at least once per day to inform the group of progress made or thoughts on the topics.


Lastly some inspiration:

This pic is from the 'Sewer' map by GoodAndy - with some relatively realistic looking scenery and waterfall even. If GoodAndy can get t done, you guys should be set. Note that details realy make it work. Having things too clean ends up rather plastic feeling. Test this - how do you add realism like this?

Plus there are Unreal Materials available with tutorials if anyone is keen.


Oh and on the topic of templates - I cant stand reading the white text on black any more. Can we agree on a Template that isnt too offensive but keeps our eyes alive. This template is called Rounders 4 - unless anyone thinks otherwise - how about we all switch to this one (using the customise like at the top)

Monday, April 7, 2008

Gearing up for Wednesday

Team A is showing alot of great collaboration to get the fabrication off and running as well as working on the theoretical aspects of our journey into collaboration. The discovery of GroupHub and its capacity to act as the wiki solution is a neat example of the tools at our disposal to facilitate effective projects like this.

I can see the chosen project is allowing each person to find a specific niche they can contribute against - cant wait until we can run around this place. keep it up team!!